"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Jesus Christ (John 3:16) Our Father in Heaven loves His children so much that He came to this planet as a man with a mission: to save His chosen people from darkness and to give them the gift of eternal life. He is a gracious, merciful, loving God. But He is also a JUDGE - righteous, holy, and perfect in all His ways. Do not think that you will escape judgement at the end of your life. Do not be deceived into thinking that our LORD and Saviour died a gruesome, evil death so you could continue entertaining wicked thoughts and sinful behaviours without punishment. That is a common lie the narcissist tells herself. So hear me when I say this.... You will wind up in the fiery pits of hell if you continue to participate in the evils of this world and deny the Deity and Kingship of the LORD Jesus Christ over this entire universe. That is how the story actually ends for people who refuse to repent and who chose to remain in their sins. Our LORD came to save His children. His people. His chosen remnant of faithful believers. If you don't repent of your sins and put your full faith in Jesus, then God does not forgive you. Moreover, everything you have EVER DONE, will be brought to light after your earthly body dies, and you will receive judgement for everything you have thought, said, and done during your time here on earth. EVERYTHING WILL BE JUDGED. EVERYTHING. And the wages of sin is death........ ![]() If you want to be forgiven of your sins and be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven where you will serve the Almighty Creator of the World, I encourage you to watch this video:
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