I'm super excited for the new life God has given me! It's been a long 4 years of deliverance and sanctification, but the time has come to say good bye to my old life and to step into the promises God has for my future. Turning away from the world and towards the Kingdom of God was the best decision I ever made. And accepting that I couldn't get through this life alone and that I needed to place my trust into someone, was the biggest crossroads I ever faced. It was not easy for me to put my trust in Jesus. I had built a wall of protection around myself at an early age and I kept a safe distance from every person I encountered for most of my life. And while I have always cared for people and I wanted the best for them - I still did not trust them. Truthfully, I still have a hard time trusting myself. 😉 But I absolutely trust God. I have full faith in His sovereignty and His goodness, and I know He will never leave me nor forsake me. I know He will lead me to safe waters and peaceful pastures. I know that as long as I seek His kingdom and His righteousness first, I will always be OK. I know this, because since I asked Jesus to forgive me and be Lord over my life - He has taken care of me like I have never experienced before. He is a good God and He is worthy of my praise, worship, and adoration. He loves me so much - like for real love - and He has kept me safe and protected me from those who wished me harm. His supernatural protection really is awe-inspiring. It is my sincere hope that my writings and videos will bring you closer to entering into a relationship with God yourself, because there is truly nothing like it. If Jesus Christ is YOUR personal Lord and Saviour - please don't keep it to yourself. Because everyone in this world deserves to be loved and everyone in this world should be given the opportunity to be delivered from a life of pain and suffering. Not everyone will chose to repent of their ways and follow Christ of course, but everyone should at least be given the choice. Peace be with you, friends ❤️
So, I can relate to people who follow the ways of the world because I was just like them not too long ago. The truth is, that many of us just don't know any better. We grew up in broken homes, angry homes, abusive homes or neglectful homes. We went to public schools and Universities. We worked in highly indoctrinated fields of study. We were told that we were here by accident - that we were a "cosmic chance". We were told that we didn't matter and we weren't important unless we "made something of ourselves" or did something significant with our lives. We were told all sorts of mean and cruel lies and the consequence was that our hearts hardened a little more each time it happened. Did you know that before I was saved, I was an arrogant, haughty, intellectual snob? I used to pride myself on my ability to debate anyone and win. When people told me that I should be a lawyer, I would smile smugly to myself. I would use my intelligence to make people feel stupid and I would use my charm to win people over to my wicked side of thinking. I’m truly embarrassed when I think of my old self - the behaviour I used to displayed before I met Jesus is cringe worthy. 🤮 But guess what? God can take what the enemy meant for evil and use it for good. ❤️ (Genesis 50:20) The truth, is that I am a good debater – I am quick on my feet, focused, and steady. I'm a master of facts and information. God gave me the gift of communication and the ability to connect dots and see the big picture in a way that most people cannot. But that doesn’t make me special; it doesn’t make me better than anyone else, and I have no right to boast in these gifts….. "For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?" (1 Corinthians 4:7) Now when the unsaved try to use their “intelligence” to make me feel stupid for “believing in fairytales” I can’t help but smile with compassion. “O ye of little faith” I think. “I remember you.” My friend, I wish more than anything that I could open up your heart and mind and place the Truth inside of you, but that’s not how salvation works. I can’t convince you of anything. It is the grace of God that saves – and nothing more. All I can do it plant a seed, pique your interest, point you in the right direction, convict your conscious, or show you God’s grace by forgiving you when you act poorly towards me. Because you have to want to know God; He doesn’t force Himself on anyone..... Did you know that we all started out with Him? That your journey started in the hands of your Creator? Before we are born, we know God and God knows us. We have a relationship with Him. We are one spirit with the King of the universe, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5) And then He lets us go…… God sets us free into a world where we are able to choose – to follow our own path or to follow His. To live for ourselves or to live for Him. To remember His love or to find something else to love. To find our way back to Him or to remain separate from Him for eternity. God gives us this choice because He knows that love isn’t really love if it’s forced. “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back its yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.” – author unknown. I have a feeling that each and every one of us told God we would choose Him when we sat in His presence before our birth on earth. The Holy Spirit brings the disciple Peter to my mind as I type this…. "Peter replied, “Even if I have to die with You, I will never deny You.” And all the other disciples said the same thing." (Matthew 26:35) But you remember how the story ends, right? When push came to shove – when Peter's words were tested – he failed. He denied Jesus 3 times. This life is a test. Did you know that? God wants to know who is really for Him because it’s easy to speak idle words. How many times have we said to someone, “I love you and I will never leave you?" But it takes integrity, loyalty, and commitment to keep those promises when your faced with adversity. You have to really love God to deny yourself the temporary pleasures of this world. You may have forgotten Whose you are; you may still be under the spell Satan cast over this world; you may be hard-hearted and bitter from the events of your life so far, but that doesn’t change the fact that God exists and before you came to earth you knew Him. God is real. I hope you know that you wont cease to exist, if you admit that you were fooled, my friend. It's OK to admit that you were wrong – God will forgive you. I forgot about Him, too. I lived in sin for 37 years, too. I was his enemy before I became His daughter again, too. And He still forgave me. He’ll forgive you. So stop asking the shadows who you are, OK? Because the light of the world - Jesus Christ - knows your name, numbered every hair on your head, and loves you more than you could ever know. He loves you for real and He's waiting to welcome you home. ❤️ 👇 Click to play song below 👇 I wanted to share some nutrition tips with those of you who are interested in making changes to your current lifestyle and food habits. God cares what you do with your body - it's the temple His Spirit resides in so I'm hoping this information is a blessing to you. ❤️ The first video is a webinar I recorded for my nutrition program and is approximately 1 hour in length. It goes over the 4-steps necessary to be successful in changing your food and exercise habits. 😊 The second video will give you a better understanding of how to create a complete meal using a simple smoothie method. I also go over some important facts about specific foods groups (protein, carbs, and fat). I hope you enjoy the content. God bless. ❤️ Yesterday God spoke to me about the character trait diligence and He's not finished with that topic. If you are fighting the spirit of delay in your life and falling into the sin of procrastination, I encourage you to watch the video below to understand how improving your diligence can destroy this spirit. Have a blessed day friends. ❤️
The book outlines diligence as having 4 important components - constancy, instancy, exactitude, and carefulness. He plainly states that temporal obedience, delayed obedience, partial obedience, and careless obedience are all, in fact, forms of disobedience. Wow! That was an eye-opener for me. If you want to learn more about this topic, I invite you to watch the video below. 🎥 I imagine the scariest time for a baby bird must be the day she gets pushed out of her nest. I imagine it's also the most exhilarating time. 😉 God's Word tells us there is an appointed time for everything - that sometimes we're in a season of building and sometimes we're in a season of tearing down; sometimes we need to search and sometimes we need to give up; sometimes we need to hold on to things and sometimes we need to throw those things away; sometimes we need to live in peace and sometimes we need to stand up and fight. There is a time for everything - a season for every activity under the heavens, God says. For 4 years, I stood by and watched helplessly as the life I knew was torn down and the people I love the most were taken from me. When I gave my life to the Lord, Satan, the accuser, took hold of the precious people in my life and I experienced a war like no other. Furious with my decision to leave his dark pit, the evil one waged war on me by attacking what I love (present tense) the most. And without the wisdom to know what was happening to me and without the armour of God to protect me from the constant attacks the enemy sent my way, I did the only thing I knew how to do well at the time - I walked away. There is a time for everything, God says. If I knew then, what I know today, I believe I would have done things differently. And if I was back then, who I am today, I think I would have been able to withstand the storm that was sent my way. But I was so broken. So confused. So hurt. And at that time, the only thing I knew for certain, was that when I sat in His presence, I didn't feel broken anymore. The hole that drove me to addictive behaviours was filled, the fear that kept me stuck in delay vanished, and the hurt I had held on too for so many years melted away. I felt safe with Him. Whole with Him. Seen and heard by Him. I felt a "peace that surpassed all understanding" and I was determined to protect the new relationship I had with the Most High God at all costs. 1 year ago, I walked away from anything and everything that tried to make me doubt the Lord Jesus Christ. I threw away everything I owed that dishonoured Him and I gave away everything that distracted me from His presence. The house my husband and I build with our own hands, the new career I had come to love, the city I had built so many great memories in, and the family and friends I cherished with all my heart - all gone in an instant. I secluded myself from almost every aspect of this world because I needed to drown out the lies I had become accustomed too in order to hear the voice of the One True Living God. I spent a year in the wilderness learning how to rely on the Lord for my help and my strength - and I am so glad I did. He healed me, gave me new life, and taught me His ways. He filled my heart with His forgiveness, my mind with His words, and my body with His Holy Spirit. I am a new creation because of Him. I have truly been transformed. There is a time for everything, God says. I picture myself as that baby bird I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Warm inside her nest with the comfort and care of her Provider. Safe under His wing. Sheltered by His authority. Loved by His grace and mercy. I want nothing more than to stay exactly where I am. Even though the nest continues to get smaller around me as I grow - even though the world I observe from my safe nest is calling to me for my help - even though I admire the other birds soaring with purpose above me; I would still rather stay where I am. It's safe here. And for someone who has never felt safe in her past, it's a hard thing to give up. But the seasons are changing. God says. "You are no longer the one who needs the nest." Even though I don't like it, I know what God is telling me is the truth. It's time for me to let go. Time for me to start something new. And as I listen to the voice of God and step onto the edge of my nest to fly for the first time, I am reminded of everything I left behind....... All the precious people who will always remain in my heart and in my prayers. Flashbacks of all the pain and all the joy I experienced in my younger years. All the memories, of a time before I knew Him, dance inside my mind today. I will never forget who I was or where I came from and I am grateful for every person who crossed my path and played a part in my story. I really do love you. But it's time for me to more forward now. It's time for me to stop looking back and wishing that things were different. It's time for me to say good bye and start again. God says it's time for me to build, to search, to hold on to the things of God, and to bring peace to those to seek it. It's time for me to walk the Christian walk. I am no longer a disciple, but an apostle of Christ, He says. So in steadfast obedience to His direction, I spread out my wings, praise Him for saving me from my own destruction, and step off the edge without looking back and with complete trust and faith that God, and God alone, will give me flight. You are deceived if you think you will enter into the presence of God at the end of your life, if all you have done with your time on earth is chased after your own selfish dreams, passions, and desires. If you think you will be rewarded for your disobedience, you are foolish, and if you have convinced yourself that God doesn't exist, you are disillusioned at best, mentally unstable at worst. I used to think that the position someone held regarding God and the after life was a matter of opinion and choice, but I was wrong. The truth is that whether or not you stand for God and His Word tells me something much more meaningful about you - it tells me whether you are friend or a foe, on the side of light or on the side of dark, a child of God or a child of the devil, a person who is saved by Grace or a person who is doomed by their sin. And as the time draws nigh, I need you to hear me when I say this, "there is a line being drawn in the sand and where you stand matters." One day you will stand before the Creator of the heavens and the earth and He will ask you 2 questions. What did you do with the life I gave you and what did you do with the Lord Jesus Christ? "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31) I pity the fool who ignores their conscience and the pleas from their well meaning Christian friends. My heart aches for the rebel that wars against the Lord and never comes to repent of their sins. My soul is filled with sadness for each person who gives up their chance to live with God forever because they "refused to love the truth and so be saved" (2 Thessalonians 2:10). What a terrible fate to behold. What stupidity and angst one must feel as they stand before the Holy of Holies with no one to blame but themselves; to look around and see nothing that resembles their wickedness amongst the shining light and fire of His Majesty would be despairing I'm sure. What a travesty one must feel trying to compare his own countless wicked deeds to the everlasting goodness of God. And lastly, the embarrassment one must feel as they finally bow their knee - only to realize their acknowledgement is too late. Because the gift of His grace was forever lost when they took their last breathe. It's not too late though. If you are reading this, you still have time. Here is the way to achieve salvation...... A - Admit Admit that you’re a sinner/you have done wrong and ask for forgiveness. Romans 3:23 "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness". B - Believe Believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again as a payment for your sins. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". C - Confess and Choose Confess that Jesus is Lord and choose to allow God in your life. Romans 10:9 "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." God bless you, my friend. I hope you wake up from your slumber before it's too late. ❤️ I don't play video games, so if Ray Comfort didn't create this video then I wouldn't know this game even existed, but I thought I would share it with you because it's SUPER disturbing and I'm hoping I can prevent at least one child from playing it and opening a door to the demonic realm. I pray you are watching over your children and what they are consuming on their phone, internet, video games and television. Occult practices are entering into these technologies at lightening speed so please be on guard because "your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8) Stay prayed up friends. God bless. XO As a new born-again Christian, one of the most difficult concepts to get my head around was the concept of the Trinity - the Triune God. I remember thinking, "how can one God be three people? How is that even possible? I must find out what all this means!" I have since spent the past 5 years studying the Bible and listening to hundreds of sermons and Christian's speakers, and I have come to realize that the Trinity is a key aspect to the Christian faith. I like the way Bibles.net puts it..... "The doctrine of the Trinity is essential to the Christian faith. Believing in God’s Triune being is how the church guards against false interpretations of the biblical understanding of who God is, what he is like, how he works in the world, and how he relates to us. In short, the Trinity distinguishes Christianity from all other religions. The God of the Bible is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To take away any one of these persons is to no longer talk about the God of the Bible at all." I agree with this statement. I also agree with Allen's position in the video below - that a new believer who doesn't fully understand the Trinity yet can still receive salvation from God (this was certainly true for me), however a person who calls Jesus their Saviour, but openly rejects the Trinity - meaning they have been told about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, but reject this Truth when they hear it - is not a true believer. They are not saved because if they reject the Trinity than they believe in a different Jesus - and there is only one Jesus Christ that has the power to save - the LORD Jesus Christ who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth - the alpha and the omega - the great "I AM'. Only the One True Living God has the power to save you and He is the God of the Bible and the God of the Bible is a Triune God (three in one). If you are having a hard time understanding this concept, I encourage you to spend time seeking out additional resources and reading His Word for yourself. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7 Below is a study guide created by Allen Parr. It provides scripture that highlights the parts of the Bible that talk about each person in the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). I also advise you to stay away from "doctrines of devils" (1 Timothy 4). These include (but are not limited to) the following false teachings about Christ:
These religious groups teach doctrines that are contrary to scripture; salvation is works-based, Jesus is a created being, a priest can be your mediator, adoration of Mary is acceptable, praying to saints instead of Father God is not idolatry, Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers, people can become Gods, hell doesn't exist, Jesus isn't God, and so much other blasphemy that it makes my head spin...... If you are a new believer, I encourage you to learn from my mistakes and stay far, far away from these groups. They will confuse you and make it difficult for you to discern truth from lies. Visit my resource section for a list of Bible-believing, born again, historical Christians. I also recommended purchasing "Another Gospel" by Alisa Childers. This book really is fantastic. It taught me so much about the authenticity of the Bible and how to respond to the popular lies peddled by false teachers. Plus the back of the book is filled with additional resources to help you on your search for Truth. Finally, Allen did one more video that I think you should watch today. It's titled, "Is Jesus Really God". Again, I want to emphasis that only God can save you - so if you call yourself a Christian, but don't believe that Jesus is God in the flesh, then who exactly are you trusting to save you? My advice? Watch the video, seek for more information, read God's Word and pray for wisdom. God bless you friend, Carmen The topic of our LORD's name is a stumbling block for some people and it often leads to confusion and doubt (2 tactics the enemy uses to try to weaken our faith and divide the brethren). For questions like these, I really like Allan Parr from the Beat. I think his answers to confusing questions (see his explanation for the trinity HERE) are well researched and pretty easy to understand for the laymen. As for my take? The Lord Jesus Christ is my Saviour. He is the One I know. When I call upon His name, He answers me. I think His name is precious - a Name above all Names - and I call Him Jesus. He is my King - the One I laid my life down to follow. The One I pray to see one day in paradise and hear the most beautiful sound from His lips, "well done my good and faithful servant". 💗 GOD'S WORD
(life starts at conception) "When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby (Jesus) leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." - Luke 1:41 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5 “This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, the Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens, who spreads out the earth by myself" - Isaiah 44:24 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb." - Psalm 139:13 “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” - Psalm 139:16 O LORD my God and angels of the Most High,
Hear my prayer and petition! I speak the Words of the LORD, and they will not come back void.[1] My enemy has dug a pit and hollowed it out, but he will fall into the hole which he made for me [2] because no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and I will refute every tongue that accuses me by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. This is my heritage because I am a servant of the LORD, and my vindication comes from Him.[3] You, O God, will bring my enemies down to the pit of destruction; those whose goals are bloodshed and deceit will not live out half their days. [4] I trust in Your judgement upon the wicked. Vengeance is Yours my LORD; You, my King, will repay my enemies. [5] I thank you for Your mercy and Your compassion on my life. Thank you for fighting for me so I may hold my peace.[6] You, oh LORD, are my refuge and my strength. Your presence is what helps me during my time of trouble.[7] Help me put on the whole armour of God, that I may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.[8]: You have given me the shield of salvation. Your right hand holds me up, and Your gentleness makes me great. You have enlarged my steps under me, so that my feet will not slip.[9] and I humbly thank you for Your protection and guidance. I will be strong and courageous. I am no longer afraid or terrified of them, because the LORD my God goes with me; and You will never leave me nor forsake me.”[10] All Praises to the Most High God for my victory. Amen and amen. I used to think I needed to fix myself - that I needed to be clean and pure before I could stand before my Father's Throne of Grace and ask for His forgiveness. I used to believe that I needed to be strong - that if only I could find a way to muster up the "will power" and "inner strength" to fight back against my demons - then I would be delivered. For so long, I relied on myself. I listened to the voices in my head, depended on the stories of my past, built up walls to try and keep the enemy out, and made myself small in hopes that if no one could see me - well, maybe then - I would finally be left alone. But no matter how hard I tried. No matter the effort I gave - alone in battle, I would fall. I would cry out, "In Jesus name" and pray for hours in solitude. I would fast for days and read the LORD's Word desperately seeking the part I was missing for my victory to be made manifest. But my breakthrough did not come....... Whatever victories I managed to achieve in the morning never lasted; when darkness came - when the demons resurfaced to take back what they thought was rightfully theirs in the night - alone in battle, I would fall. But I knew that God was preserving me; always understood that for some reason, my Father in the sky favored me. How else could I explain my life? The blessings He bestowed upon me? The gifts I did not deserve always placed miraculously into my unreaching hands. Even the people around me could see I had His favor - could see the anointing He placed on my life. They didn't know that's what they saw of course - because they didn't know my Father - they simply believed I was "lucky" and it made them envious and angry in ways I could not understand. Every time I succeeded, their hearts hardened a little more. I was both loved and hated by many. Those around me loved to benefit from my blessings, but they hated to see me succeed in ways they could not. Envy is a murderous spirit and for many who claimed to love me, they could not accept God's favor on my life. I was the one who got the boy, the one who scored the lead role, the one who aced the test she didn't study for, the one who got the job she didn't have the degree for, the one who men fawned over, the one who married her soul mate on a mountain top in Peru, the one who lived in a home built for a princess, the one who looked younger and prettier with age, the one who travelled abroad to fun and exciting places. Perhaps, if the tables were turned. I would have hated me too. 🤔 I don't know why God favored me. "the LORD giveth, and the LORD taketh away." (Job 1:21) You'll have to take up your complaint with Him. But while my life may have appeared perfect and easy on the outside, I was being tormented on the inside. I may have had all the material things a person hopes for in this world, but my spirit was broken and in despair; wrapped up in bondage and chains from the evil I met early in my life. The memories of my past haunted me daily; and the parts of my past that were erased and forgotten frightened me more than the ones I could remember. "What did I do? What causes someone to behave that way? Am I evil? Am I filthy? Am I doomed?" Everyday I was reminded by the evil one that I didn't deserve my blessings; that I was taking more than I was giving back; that I was greedy, selfish, vain, and impure; that God didn't love me; He didn't forgive me; He didn't want me in His presence. I was filthy. I was nasty. I was unsavable. I didn't belong to Light of the world - I belonged to the dark lord of the night. That my rightful place was in his pit and I was created to serve his every whim, every demand, and every desire until he was tired of me and decided to throw me back. That was the fate of the wicked, he told me, and I was wicked. In the very core of my being, I always knew my Father in the sky loved me and was calling me home - but the enemy tricked me with his lies, deceit, and accusations for most of my life. The devil made me believe that God only wanted the righteous, the clean, the pure. But that was a lie from the pits of hell. "On hearing this, Jesus told them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Mark 2:17) God is nothing like Satan. He doesn't kick you when you're down. He doesn't point out your flaws. He doesn't mock your pleas for help. He doesn't turn away from you in disgust when you need him the most. That is not who the Father in the sky is. That is not the LORD Jesus Christ. That is not the precious holy spirit of the Most High God. The LORD of everything and everyone, is a gentleman. He sees you lying in the dirt and He reaches out a hand to lift you up. He sees the tears run down your face and he takes His hand and wipes them gently from your cheek. He hears you call out in the darkest of nights and comes to your bedside to hold you while you sleep. He whispers words of encouragement for your victory and words of caution for your protection. He is the friend you never had, but always wanted. The hope you longed for, but were afraid to trust in. The love that stays true no matter how poorly you act, and the strength you wish you could find in yourself, but were always left wanting. Jesus Christ, the image of the invisible God, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is nothing in the world more precious and worthy than He. I could never be good enough on my own to stand before the King of the Universe and be deemed worthy. I am a sinner - underserving of His grace - that part is true. But I am not unworthy of His love, and neither are you. The LORD giveth and He taketh away and He has given me a gift - the gift of eternal life in His son Jesus Christ. And while I may have done nothing to deserve His favor, His grace, His mercy, and His compassion. I will gladly accept this underserved gift and cherish it all the days of my life. Jesus is my righteousness. Jesus is my defender. Jesus is my strength. Jesus is my deliverer. So while I may look like a tiny, helpless kitten in this jungle of a world - it is no matter to me anymore. I am not afraid of this world - no longer worried about the forces of darkness that lie awake in the night; because the shadow of my Father in Heaven - the Lion of Judah - is upon me. Father God, Your shadow of protection can be seen from miles away and no demon from my past dares to approach me now. The dark lord trembles at the sight of You, my King; he bows low in the presence of Your Glory and then scurries off to his place of desolation and destruction, for a time. It took me many years to get to this place; many tears and many lonely nights to realize that the strength to overcome and endure does not come from me - it comes from Him. "Yes, you took the long way around precious daughter of mine, but every mile mattered," my Father in Heaven lovingly whispers in my spirit. Thank you Father. The journey back home was a hard one for me. The lifting of the veil of deception was blinding to my eyes, and the process I needed to endure to be free from the demonic trance I was under, broke me in many ways. But it was worth it. I am with Him now. I am home; safe, free and unconditionally loved forever more. I am so very grateful for the life He gave me. Very grateful, indeed. I hope my story gives you comfort in your pain and suffering today. I hope my words are an encouragement for you to keep going - to not give up. But more than anything, I hope my story points you back to what really matters - our Father in Heaven. For He is the first and the last. The beginning and the end. He is before all things and over all things He reigns. He is your helper and He truly is your only hope. Put on the LORD Jesus Christ today and let Him be your strength. Let Him fight your battles. Let Him guard and protect your heart. Alone in battle, you will fall. But with God - you cannot lose. Praise God. 💗 If not for You, my enemies would have conquered me.
If not for You, my tears would have never dried. If not for You, my life would be no more. You, O LORD, have seen my hardship. You, my King, have witnessed the toil of my hands. You, faithful Father in Heaven, have searched the intentions of my heart. And Your decisions are final. Praise be to the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, The LORD God Almighty! Live forever my King! You have taken up my case and redeemed my life. I am forever Yours. 💗 Holy, holy, holy - is the LORD God Almighty! Praise Your Holy Name, Father God in Heaven. For You are before all things and over all things You reign. 💗 I love you with all my heart - for there is no one like You. In the depths of my despair - you give me comfort. And when I feel like I can't go on another step - when I can't muster up the strength to even take another breathe of air - You pick me up and carry me the rest of the way. O who is like You, my King? Who can calm my fears, like You do? Who can wipe the tears from my eyes, like You do? Who can stop my world from moving when You speak, like You do? Who can fill my heart with joy, like You do? Who can give me hope in my future, like You do? I tell You the truth. No one. You are worthy, O LORD, to receive all the glory and all honour and all praise. You are the maker and the breaker of all things. You bring them into existence and you blot them out for Your own purposes. You are the majesty of life. You are the King of all Kings. "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him." (Colossians 1:16) Oh where would I be without you, my Father? My Saviour? My beginning...my end? Truly, I ask, where would I be without You? Without Your help? Without Your grace? Without Your compassion? Without Your mercy? What have I done to deserve Your sweet presence, Light in my darkness? Why do you look so fondly on my face? Why do you speak to me so earnestly? What is it about me that makes You leave Your throne of Grace to take up my case and protect me from my enemies? Why do you bless me and favor me so? What is it about a wretch like me, that makes You so protective, so gentle, so kind without measure? And yet, as I type my question, Your precious Spirit reminds me of the Truth of the matter. It is not about me at all. This, my King, is about You. "You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host; the earth and all that is on it; the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you." (Colossians 1:16) You made me. You created me. And You gave me life for Your pleasure - Your glory. And yet, how is it that I am left feeling as though I am the one who gains it all in the end? Because I do. In You, I have found my life. Forever and always I am Yours. I belong to You. I will sit at the foot of Your throne and sing Your praises all the days of my life. You are the first sound I hear in the morning and the last thought I have when I lay my head on my bed. May You never grow weary of holding me in Your shadow, O LORD. May I sit under the wings of Your glory forever and ever. For You alone are worthy, O King. You, and only You. Praise God. 💗 “I am Joseph, your brother,” he said, “the one you sold into Egypt!
And now, do not be distressed or angry with yourselves that you sold me into this place, because it was to save lives that God sent me before you. For the famine has covered the land these two years, and there will be five more years without plowing or harvesting. God sent me before you to preserve you as a remnant on the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. Therefore it was not you who sent me here, but God, who has made me a father to Pharaoh—lord of all his household and ruler over all the land of Egypt. - Genesis 45:5 Father God in Heaven, I praise Your Holy Name. I worship You. I love You. I trust You. Today, I give You the life I built for myself, so that I may have the life you planned for me on the day I was created. I've spent 40 years in this world as a lost and wandering soul - drifting to and fro - caught up in the current of this life. I did what I wanted and I explored all the options my heart desired. I ran far away from you to see what the world could offer me and I came close to Your throne so I may know who You are. And at the end of my time in the wilderness, I have come to know this..... That there is nowhere else I would rather be, than with You. You are gentle and meek in heart and I have finally found rest for my soul. I was broken and battered, my heart so close to giving up, but You - the Creator of the Heavens and Earth - blessed me and gave me favor. You looked kindly on me from the heavens. You heard my prayers. You saw my pain, and You rescued me from my shame, my guilt, and my sin. My broken body and spirit took refuge in the shadow of Your glorious wings and you turned me into someone new - someone pleasing in Your sight. You never grew faint or weary in my battles. You never slept when I was in the storm. You watched over me with fierce protection and steadfast love - for You knew that I was Yours. That I belonged to You. You formed every part of me, Father God - knitted my very being into my mothers womb and called me by name - predetermined my destiny, and knew from the beginning that one day, Your prodigal daughter would return and bring glory to Your name. You give power to the weak, and to those who have no might like me, You have increased my strength day by day during this refining period, that I may withstand whatever storm the enemy brings my way from this day forth. I thank you Father God in Heaven, for Your sacrifice. Thank you for loving me even when I was wicked, sinful, and against You. Thank you for seeing this day 2000 years ago and placing yourself on a cross to be beaten, mocked, and murdered, so that I may be spared. I can never repay You for this gift; could never begin to understand a love as deep as Yours, but please know this - I am so very grateful for Your sacrifice precious Spirit of the One True Living God. And while I know I can never repay You for all You have done for me, I hope you will let me try. Let my life be one that points to You, Father God. Let my name and my accomplishments grow dim in the light of Your perfection. Let my testimony of Your Grace and new beginnings bring the masses to your Throne, and let the world see Your power and Your goodness through the destruction and resurrection of my life. You and only You are worthy of all the praise. Today I put on the LORD Jesus Christ. I stand is His righteousness and His strength and as I walk into the light of a new day I proclaim this, "I have been given the words and the boldness to fearlessly make know the mysteries of the Gospel because the same power that rose Jesus from the grave, lives in me. May I never grow weary of sharing Your story, Father God. For it is the greatest love story of all time - and for reasons I will never understand - you did it all for a wretch like me. " Praise God. Praise You, indeed. 💗 ![]() There are people in this world who will despise you for standing on the Word of God, but I want to remind you today, what our LORD and Saviour told us when He walked on this earth: "If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world." (Jesus Christ, John 15:18) Family, the darkness that lies in the hearts of the unsaved cannot handle the light of the LORD that radiates from your being. Your presence is illuminating and "your spirit irritates their demons" because what does light have in common with darkness? Nothing. We are not like them, and while it is difficult to see the worldly people you thought were "for you", turn against you - I hope you will come to see what an honour that rejection truly is. To live for Christ is everything because when you die to yourself, you gain the most precious gift of all.... The saving Grace of God. "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians, 1:21) Understand that their tricks, spells, lies, sorcery, plots and plans WILL fail. They may experience "victory" for a season, but what they perceive as a "win" is only temporary. Remember, the prince of darkness thought he won when our King was hung on a cross too, but the devil's gloating and boasting did not last for long....
3 days later the kingdom of darkness trembled and fell when our LORD and Saviour defeated death and rose from His grave in victory - saving the very lives of all who read my words today. And so it will be for you, dear child of God. What your enemies meant for evil - God will use to propel you forward for His good. Whatever you face today - no matter how dire - this is not your end. No. This is not how your story ends, dear child of God. Yes, it may feel like you are dying - but you will rise again. Every hero's story encounters a moment where all appears to be lost and destruction is imminent, but the story never seems to end there, does it? And neither will yours. God's Word NEVER returns void. Hear me when I say this, "Judgement is coming. Your vindication is near. Step out in faith and BELIEVE that your time for resurrection is NOW"🙏 Praise God. Get behind me devil! I'm not playing with you anymore. If God says, "I got it" - it is so...... "Let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged." (Romans 3:4 ) Nothing is going to stop what God has planned for me anymore. NOTHING! I'm going to kick people off my wagon who try and slow me down without even blinking! I'm going to body check people who try to block me from doing the will of God without hesitation! I'm going to RUN at lightening speed towards my Father and you can either RUN WITH ME or get behind me - BECAUSE I'M NOT STAYING IN THESE CHAINS OF BONDAGE ANYMORE! God says the time is now! So the time is now. I'm going to SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE and claim my birth right. Watch how the LORD renews my life. Watch what the LORD is about to do with this broken vessel. Just watch..... So don't give up family. Keep fighting! God's word will not return void. His word is True. You are His child and He has big plans for you. I can't wait to see you in the sky. Time for us to level up and glorify His name. Praise God. Praise His Holy Name Forever!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOO! Jesus LIVES! HALLELUJAH! Glory be to God! |
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June 2023