The wicked will be punished. Those who do not learn from their mistakes and ask for forgiveness will be persecuted for their sins. God's wrath will come upon the whole earth and only those covered with the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, will be spared. To those who continue to inflict harm on others and refuse to repent - your time is short. To those who follow the LORD Jesus Christ with your body, mind, and soul - hang in there. Endure until the end. You will be vindicated and your enemies will become your footstool. Continue to pray for those who hate you and persecute you - for their end is eternal darkness, torment, pain, and anguish. Pray they fall to their knees and ask the Almighty God for forgiveness before it is too late. Pray they choose to become a new creature in Christ. Pray for their redemption. The wicked have no hope. No love. No salvation. Their hearts have been blackened. Their spirits taken over by the devil. SO PRAY FOR THEM. Pray that they come to know the peace of our LORD that surpasses all understanding. For "many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all."(Psalm 34:19). My friend, we have the LORD to fight our battles, but the wicked are left alone to battle the demons from hell. So pray for them. You just might be their only hope - the only light that shines upon their very dark journey...... Blessings XO P.S God continues to put Psalm 36 on my heart. I encourage you to read it. You can also listen to me read it out loud HERE.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) Praise God. 🙌 Lay the smack down LORD! It's time to shake their world so those that rebel against you will fall to their knees in remorse and beg You for mercy. Save my people God! Bring them out of darkness. Help them see! In Jesus name, I pray for my loved ones salvation. Amen. 🙏 In today's video, I review 3 characteristics of the narcissist that are NOT from God - Envy, Boastfulness, and Pride. Be careful and tread lightly if you know someone who exhibit these behaviours because they are operating from the anti-Christ spirit and are therefore extremely dangerous. Have a blessed day XO. The Holy Spirit has been speaking very directly to me this past week - He wants me to share my personal, professional, and spiritual experience with "narcissist personality disorder." If you don't know, these people are very dangerous and they are being used by the dark forces to hold back my brothers and sisters in Christ. Across the globe, Christians missions are being stalled, Christian energy is being drained, and the light of the LORD is being snuffed out by these selfish, lying, pretenders and it needs to stop. So if you think you might be in a relationship with a narcissist - whether it be with a spouse, parent, friend, or co-worker - I invite you to watch my mini series. The first topic I have been instructed to teach on is the narcissist's counterfeit love. Part one was uploaded to my YouTube channel this morning and I pray you find the information useful. 🙏 "I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naïve." (Romans 16:17) Blessings friend. 💗 XO Question: What if you have kids with a narcissist? I've been threw hell. Can a narcissist be healed? Has Jesus ever healed a narcissist?
Answer: Jesus can heal ANY sinner. There isn't anyone He can't save. His finished work on the cross is for everyone. THAT BEING SAID. Please don't waste your time waiting for the narcissist to repent - it is very unlikely this will ever happen and the abuse you will suffer in the process is not worth it. NPD is a personality disorder- which means the persons perception of reality has been permanently distorted. They see the world through a lens that is very different then you and me. They also lack insight and therefore are incapable of understanding that they are the problem. Someone who doesn't believe they are a sinner will not see the value in a Saviour - and these people do not believe they are wrong. Ever. I grew up with narcissists and I have a background in mental health. These people are dangerous to your mind, body, and soul. At best, they will take advantage of your kindness, drag your name through the mud, gaslight your memories, manipulate your destiny, and then discard you like garbage on the side of the road somewhere. At worst? They will become obsessed with you and when you finally get tired of being their punching bag and try to leave, they will do everything in their power to destroy you - including trying to murder you. My advice is simple - "once you know, you go". Pray for them, love them from a distance, but stay FAR FAR AWAY from them in person. You also need to protect your children because these people are DISASTEROUS parents. Never under estimate the intentions or capabilities of a narcissist. They are truly evil. And don't be fooled by the mask - the rage you experience in private is just a glimpse of the wicked serpent they really are. God bless you Jacob and good luck to you! This song reminds me of the deadly dance I was stuck in for so long with the dark Lord. Please hear me when I say this - Satan doesn't come as an enemy of darkness, but as an angel of light! He will make you "feel" good. He will lure you into pleasure and desire. He will caress your soul and whisper sweet nothings in your ear - but he is also the shadow in the darkness that smiles when you fall and is just waiting for the moment he can devour you. If you have ever been in a relationship with a narcissist - well - that is who Satan is. He is a trickster. Good at talking a good talk - but WHO he is - is a lying, evil, DESTROYER of people. Take heed and be careful - the enemy is harder to detect than you think. |
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June 2023