This video just came into my newsfeed and it really confirms everything God has been sharing with me in prayer. It also echo's the messages from God's prophets across the globe. I encourage you to watch it. Lots of love XO 💗 TODAY'S QUOTEA must watch for every child of God. God Bless you XO Start protocol at the onset of cold and flu symptoms and follow for a minimum of 5 days. If symptoms are still present after 5 days, continue until they are gone.
Take These Supplements Once Per Day
Beverage option: mix 1 packet of Emergen-C with 1/2 water and 1/2 orange juice and add 5ml of Concentrated Elderberry. Drink Tea 1-3 Times Per Day
Steam Inhalation 1-3 Times Per Day
The LORD invited me to do a fast this week so I could fully lean on Him during my time of need. We serve such an incredible God, don't we? Compassionate, forgiving, kind, and PROTECTIVE! My goodness. He is so protective of what belongs to Him! And let me tell you, the LORD is not happy with how His children have been mistreated and He is about to unleash His wrath on all the unrepented people who had evil intentions towards us throughout our life. So pray for your enemies children of God, because while judgement is coming to the wicked, God has an abundance of blessings coming our way. For those of us who wait on the LORD - we are about to see miracles and abundance like we've never seen before. So look up and Praise God. The end is near. ![]() Jesus replied, “My mother and my brothers are all those who hear God’s word and obey it.” (Luke 8:21) "Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 10:34) There is a great shaking happening in the world right now. Can you see it? Can you feel it? The LORD is separating the wheat from the tares and you have a new family in Christ now, so say goodbye to those who refuse to do the Will of God and join your Heavenly bloodline with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Hallelujah! All praises to the Most High God. If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) Every day my faith increases. Praise God for that. The Creator of the Heavens and the earth is a God who sees His children and hears His children. I serve a God that is merciful, loving, kind, and good. I pray to a God that is forgiving, patient, thoughtful, and all-knowing and I worship His Holy Name because He rescued me from the pits of hell. Thank you God for protecting me. Thank you God for giving me a place to find peace in this dark and hate-filled world. Thank you for teaching me Your ways. But most importantly, thank you for coming to this planet, so that I may live forever in Your glorious presence. I don't really understand what causes so much hatred to fester inside someone's soul and I will never understand why someone would take pleasure in another person's misfortune. I have no idea what would compel someone to lie for the purpose of destroying another person's character, and I certainly don't understand how you could do that to your own flesh and blood. But the LORD has shown me that those people really do exist, and because of His counsel I am no longer naïve to the wiles of the wicked. I pay attention to the fruits people bear and I compare their words against their actions. I listen when God tells me to run and I close the door on relationships that God reveals are toxic because the people in question are quite literally evil. Find peace in the LORD my friends because He is the only Person you need. Say goodbye to people who cause you nothing but pain and anguish. Shut the door. Knee down at the foot of our LORD's throne and ask Him to save you. Then pledge your life to Him and promise to follow His commands from this day forward. God rewards the faithful and He punishes the wicked. Vengeance is Mine says the LORD I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; for their day of disaster is near, and their doom is coming quickly.” (Deuteronomy 32:35). Trust Him to make things right for you for He is a good God and He loves His children. Praise God. Blessings, XO. Praise God for His steadfast love and kindness - for being One that looks kindly on the afflicted and persecuted and judges the evil and wicked JUSTLY. Praise the LORD for giving His children guidance, peace, counsel, and love in His secret place. Praise God for protecting the hearts of His followers so they do not become bitter and hate-filled when they are mocked, ridiculed and betrayed by the Judas' in their life. Praise God for His blessings. Praise God for His love. Praise God for the eternal life we have found in His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ. Praise God forever and ever. Amen. 🙌 This is a new channel that was recommended to me last week. "As We Know" provides world news through a biblical lens. This particular episode really shows the level of evil and corruption happening in the world today. Check it out and if you want to learn more, I encourage you to visit their channel so you can watch additional broadcasts. Praise the LORD. 🙏 Friends, if you haven't repented of your sins and put your full faith in the LORD Jesus Christ - do that now! What are you waiting for? The end is coming soon. The Creator of the Heavens and the earth is coming back to judge the inhabitants of the earth - and the only way you will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with God the Father is through His Son, Jesus Christ. There is no other way. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) Make peace with God. Stop your rebellion. Recognize your sins and ask for forgiveness. You don't have much time...... ![]() Do not repay evil with evil. Wait on the LORD. Do not conform to the ways of the wicked, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Cry out to the LORD with Psalm 10:14 as your guide. The false victims of this world will be disgraced. God is coming to help you. He is handling your case and the tables are turning in your favour. Do not turn back. Do not return to the snares of the wicked. Wait on the LORD. Judgement is His and He shall repay the wicked for all their evil deeds. The wicked will be punished. Those who do not learn from their mistakes and ask for forgiveness will be persecuted for their sins. God's wrath will come upon the whole earth and only those covered with the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, will be spared. To those who continue to inflict harm on others and refuse to repent - your time is short. To those who follow the LORD Jesus Christ with your body, mind, and soul - hang in there. Endure until the end. You will be vindicated and your enemies will become your footstool. Continue to pray for those who hate you and persecute you - for their end is eternal darkness, torment, pain, and anguish. Pray they fall to their knees and ask the Almighty God for forgiveness before it is too late. Pray they choose to become a new creature in Christ. Pray for their redemption. The wicked have no hope. No love. No salvation. Their hearts have been blackened. Their spirits taken over by the devil. SO PRAY FOR THEM. Pray that they come to know the peace of our LORD that surpasses all understanding. For "many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all."(Psalm 34:19). My friend, we have the LORD to fight our battles, but the wicked are left alone to battle the demons from hell. So pray for them. You just might be their only hope - the only light that shines upon their very dark journey...... Blessings XO P.S God continues to put Psalm 36 on my heart. I encourage you to read it. You can also listen to me read it out loud HERE. Another great segment on, "We Lie To You News". JP Sears is a good man to follow if you want to hear the truth. 😊 FOLLOW ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/AwakenWithJP/videos FOLLOW ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AwakenWithJP Thanks for sharing the truth about out brave Canadian Truckers 🍁 |
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June 2023