Resources.This is my databank of Christian musicians, teachers, story tellers, and pastors who have helped me understand the living Word of God more clearly over the past 5 years.
It is my sincere hope and most pressing prayer that this collection of music, documentaries, podcasts, YouTube personalities, church sermons, and inspired scripture leads you to “repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." - Matthew 3:2 |
#1 BLOG POSTSI asked God to show me what role I play in His kingdom and here is the answer He whispered into my spirit;
"Tell the people My story. Share my promise and my glory with anyone who will listen. Give them a glimpse into the power I hold and let them know the cost of turning their back on my sacrifice." So that is what I am doing. I will sing His praises all the days of my life and I will share His message and His wisdom each and every day I am blessed to be alive in His presence. |
#2 VIDEO CHATSThe Lord inspired me to create this website with the purpose of helping people learn how to be healed from chronic disease, addictive behaviors, mental illness, and personality disorders through the super-natural healing power of Jesus Christ.❤️
I pray you find my video chats helpful and edifying and I pray that they give you strength and hope as you journey towards entering into your own personal relationship with our Father in heaven through His Son, Jesus Christ. 🙏 |
#3 BIBLE READINGSThe Word of God is your most powerful weapon. It cuts through lies and deceit without effort and it will lay your enemies at your feet in an instant.
I recorded these Bible readings so you could hear the Word of God audibly, but I also advise that you make it a priority to memorize scripture so you know how to handle the spiritual attacks that will come your way once you decide to repent of you old life and start serving the One True Living God. |
#4 CHANNELS TO WATCHI have learned so much from listening to videos created by other children of God. What a blessing to be connected to other believers from across the globe.
In a fallen world with so much apostasy and fake Christians it can be hard to distinguish true believers from false prophets. I hope these recommendations help you stay true to the Word of God. |
#5 DOCUMENTARIESIt's important to understand the true history of our existence. Therefore this section is a compilation of pastors, lawyers, historians, theologians, etc. who have a message to share with you about our true origins, the nature of God, and the promises that God has for His children.
These documentaries have personally helped me on my own journey to understanding the Truth more clearly and I hope they are a blessing to you also. |
#6 TRAVEL VLOGWe are on a quest to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and help wake up the sleeping church before the LORD returns.
Join us as we travel across America, visiting churches, historical monuments and natural wonders in an effort to reveal the reality of God's existence and His promise for eternal life to all who seek His face and come to a saving faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. |