So, I can relate to people who follow the ways of the world because I was just like them not too long ago. The truth is, that many of us just don't know any better. We grew up in broken homes, angry homes, abusive homes or neglectful homes. We went to public schools and Universities. We worked in highly indoctrinated fields of study. We were told that we were here by accident - that we were a "cosmic chance". We were told that we didn't matter and we weren't important unless we "made something of ourselves" or did something significant with our lives. We were told all sorts of mean and cruel lies and the consequence was that our hearts hardened a little more each time it happened. Did you know that before I was saved, I was an arrogant, haughty, intellectual snob? I used to pride myself on my ability to debate anyone and win. When people told me that I should be a lawyer, I would smile smugly to myself. I would use my intelligence to make people feel stupid and I would use my charm to win people over to my wicked side of thinking. I’m truly embarrassed when I think of my old self - the behaviour I used to displayed before I met Jesus is cringe worthy. 🤮 But guess what? God can take what the enemy meant for evil and use it for good. ❤️ (Genesis 50:20) The truth, is that I am a good debater – I am quick on my feet, focused, and steady. I'm a master of facts and information. God gave me the gift of communication and the ability to connect dots and see the big picture in a way that most people cannot. But that doesn’t make me special; it doesn’t make me better than anyone else, and I have no right to boast in these gifts….. "For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?" (1 Corinthians 4:7) Now when the unsaved try to use their “intelligence” to make me feel stupid for “believing in fairytales” I can’t help but smile with compassion. “O ye of little faith” I think. “I remember you.” My friend, I wish more than anything that I could open up your heart and mind and place the Truth inside of you, but that’s not how salvation works. I can’t convince you of anything. It is the grace of God that saves – and nothing more. All I can do it plant a seed, pique your interest, point you in the right direction, convict your conscious, or show you God’s grace by forgiving you when you act poorly towards me. Because you have to want to know God; He doesn’t force Himself on anyone..... Did you know that we all started out with Him? That your journey started in the hands of your Creator? Before we are born, we know God and God knows us. We have a relationship with Him. We are one spirit with the King of the universe, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5) And then He lets us go…… God sets us free into a world where we are able to choose – to follow our own path or to follow His. To live for ourselves or to live for Him. To remember His love or to find something else to love. To find our way back to Him or to remain separate from Him for eternity. God gives us this choice because He knows that love isn’t really love if it’s forced. “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back its yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.” – author unknown. I have a feeling that each and every one of us told God we would choose Him when we sat in His presence before our birth on earth. The Holy Spirit brings the disciple Peter to my mind as I type this…. "Peter replied, “Even if I have to die with You, I will never deny You.” And all the other disciples said the same thing." (Matthew 26:35) But you remember how the story ends, right? When push came to shove – when Peter's words were tested – he failed. He denied Jesus 3 times. This life is a test. Did you know that? God wants to know who is really for Him because it’s easy to speak idle words. How many times have we said to someone, “I love you and I will never leave you?" But it takes integrity, loyalty, and commitment to keep those promises when your faced with adversity. You have to really love God to deny yourself the temporary pleasures of this world. You may have forgotten Whose you are; you may still be under the spell Satan cast over this world; you may be hard-hearted and bitter from the events of your life so far, but that doesn’t change the fact that God exists and before you came to earth you knew Him. God is real. I hope you know that you wont cease to exist, if you admit that you were fooled, my friend. It's OK to admit that you were wrong – God will forgive you. I forgot about Him, too. I lived in sin for 37 years, too. I was his enemy before I became His daughter again, too. And He still forgave me. He’ll forgive you. So stop asking the shadows who you are, OK? Because the light of the world - Jesus Christ - knows your name, numbered every hair on your head, and loves you more than you could ever know. He loves you for real and He's waiting to welcome you home. ❤️ 👇 Click to play song below 👇
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