It's not easy following the LORD Jesus Christ and the world will often feel like a lonely place for a child of God because as children of the Most High God, we are called to remain separate. We are to be in the world, but not of the world - and this can be difficult for others to understand. Children of God have a calling that supersedes the material and that distinct difference makes it hard for other people to relate to us. Where our eyes are fixed firmly on the LORD and His will for our life, their eyes are on the things that gratify their flesh (as was true for us before we were saved). Personally, I know what it's like to walk alone. I know how it feels when people you thought were your friends, and relatives you thought cared about you, turn on you and attack you as though you were their enemy. And I know the crushing feeling of loss and sadness when you've tried everything you can think of to repair a relationship, only to discover that person never really cared about you in the first place. I know the pain and sorrow of a broken heart. I know the confusion and self doubt that stems from narcissistic abuse, and I know what it's like to have my name and character dragged through the mud by someone who refuses to repent of their wicked ways, but wants their evil deeds to remain hidden in secret forever. It often feels like those moments of solitude, separation, and attacks last forever - they are painful, heartbreaking, and lonely - but my dear, precious child of God, I assure you, "this too shall pass". While it is true that you will face hardship and trouble in this life, please remember that our LORD and Saviour has already overcome the world. He has already defeated the enemy and He will never forsake you. Please do not forget that fact. You may not have many friends in this world, but you have the ultimate friend in Jesus. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; Behold, new things have come” (2 Corinthians 5:17) One of the most painful experiences I've had to face as a born again believer in the LORD Jesus Christ is the loss of people I love. But as a new creature in Christ, we are called to say good bye to the things in our past that cause us to sin. "If your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. " (Matthew 18:9) Sadly, your friends and family members who are still in darkness won't understand your desire to please the LORD and they will likely find the "new you" as sanctimonious, confusing, off putting, and in some situations, even threatening to their very existence. Why? Because darkness hates the light. And you are the light. You were created in the image of God, to be a beacon of hope for the meek and the humble at heart. God knew you before He created the world and He made you specifically for this moment in time. Hear me when I say this..... You were not made to fit into this world. You were made to stand apart from it. Embrace your lineage. 👑 As you learn how to walk in your birth right and finally take your place in the kingdom of heaven your Father created you for - your world will change. You will start to love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates. Even more startling, is that your Father in Heaven will give you eyes to see the evildoers who tricked you into thinking they were "good people" and if you obey His commands, He will open doors for you, bless you, and protect you in supernatural ways that you never dreamed possible.... But guess what? Those people who lied about you, cheated on you, manipulated you, cursed you, played tricks on you, and stomped all over your kind heart and good nature are not allowed to come with you. I know this will be hard to hear, but it's the truth - they failed the test. Despite the lies of narcissists, God isn't "all forgiving". Yes, our Father in Heaven is full of mercy and grace for those who come to His throne and ask Him for forgiveness, but he offers that to people who are truly REMORSEFUL and who REPENT of their wicked ways. Our LORD and Saviour wasn't mocked, beaten, and murdered so evil people could get a free pass to abuse us. That is not the character OR nature of our Father in Heaven. So do not be deceived! The truth of the matter, is that God found a way to forgive us (His children). Our Father knew we wouldn't be able to uphold His holiness and perfection and He knew that the pressures of this world and the desires of our flesh would be too much for His children to bear. And since He is a good Father and He did not wish any of His children to parish - He paid the fine (death - which was the debt we owed for sinning against Him) before we even stepped foot on this planet. We serve an incredible God, don't we? Perfect in all His ways. Praise His Holy Name. 💗 So while you may feel alone - you are not alone. The Body of Christ mourns with you and lifts their hands up in praise alongside you. But more importantly, our Father in Heaven, the LORD Jesus Christ, and the precious Holy Spirit are always with you in Spirit and Truth. You are never alone. I pray you will let go of the past, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray you will let go of the things that cause you to sin, and I pray you will let go of the people who do not have your best interest at heart. You were once blind - but now you see! Walk away from the people God has shown you are evil and wicked in their ways and forgive them of their trespasses so your heart is not afflicted. They know how to find you if they genuinely seek forgiveness. And if they don't come? Well, as painful as it is to realize you've been duped, at least you'll know the truth........ P.S The song below is a great reminder that as long as we have God - we have everything we need. 💗
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