The devil seeks to devour its prey. He is UNmerciful, UNforgiving, and he harbours ANGER and HATRED in his heart. If you are experiencing any of these emotions - then I need you to know - that you are being influenced by the devil. Keeping count of how many times people have wronged you, judging the actions of others from a place of anger, not meeting people where they are at - these are all ways of the devil - NOT God. God would never encourage you to stay mad at someone. He commands us to turn the other cheek, forgive, and pray for their salvation. THAT is the good and loving character of God. I was deceived for so long, but on August 3, 2021 God delivered be from the chains and bondage of Satan for good. I was letting the devil influence my thoughts and decisions and I didn't even know it, but God is good and faithful and He delivered me!!! So please, learn from my mistakes and evaluate everything you think and hear with God's actual Word (which is the Bible). The devil is a LIAR and he wants to take you down - and he will do just that if you let him - believe me on that one! I also wanted to share this "Word Of The Day" because it was pressed upon my heart this morning in prayer - God said to me: "No weapon shall prosper against you! .......................................... no weapon. no weapon. no weapon. No weapon. No weapon. No weapon. NO weapon. NO weapon. NO weapon. NO weapon. NO weapon. NO weapon." He kept saying those two words to me over and over again until I finally grasped what the Lord was telling me...............
That I have nothing to fear moving forward because no weapon - NOTHING - will prevail against the sons and daughters of the Living God. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself, my brothers and sisters in Christ - because fear is not from God, fear is from the devil. God wants us to know that we are SAFE in His tabernacle and we have nothing to fear is this world because if He is for us, then who can be against us? Praise Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Someone needs to hear this today, so if you are reading this post, it is because God used me to press upon YOUR heart something very important today...... God wants you to know that you are SAFE to share His truth with the world. God's got you! You belong to Him. You have no reason to fear. The Lord Jesus Christ bought you with His own blood and he will protect you, child of God. Move forward in faith and trust and you will be delivered from ALL evil. No weapon can reach you, friend. Be bold as a lion. The Lord has you safe in His tabernacle. Blessings friends. xo
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