The LORD shared this passage with me today in response to my prayers for my unsaved family and friends. It will always be my prayer that everyone I know learns to humble themselves before the LORD, but I also understand that some people may choose to disobey and reject His Grace. However. I need to make sure everyone is aware of this one important fact....... If you reject God - the One True Living God that is (not the one you made up in your mind or the demons you made a pact with) then you will spend eternity separated from His love and His light. You will be in a place of complete and utter darkness - with no hope of escape and no Saviour to call upon for help. Do you really want to be separated from everything that is perfect, loving, and good? And if you think that hell is "no big deal" than you really need to watch this video ASAP. WATCH NOW>>> 23 Minutes in Hell ![]()
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June 2023