About.This website is dedicated to my Father in heaven, who saved my life through His unrelenting love and His endless grace and mercy.
I grew up in a secular home, with no guidance as to who God was, or how I could learn to know Him. But God is a way-maker, a miracle worker, a promise keeper, and He was the one who found me. The almighty God of Israel has been the light throughout my darkest days. And no matter how far I fall from His holy ways, He never lets me go. I find peace in His words, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." - Hebrews 13:5 To the world, I am nobody. But to God, I am His adopted daughter. His cherished child. He made me in His image, intimately knows my heart, and has numbered every hair on my head. I stand in awe of His majesty and bow down before His throne in absolute thanksgiving and gratitude. Thank you God for calling me, for believing in me, and for sending your Son to die on the cross so that I may be forgiven of my sins and grafted into your heavenly kingdom for eternity. I am forever your humble servant. Thy will be done, God. THY will be done. |
The Kingdom of Heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven is God's promised inheritance to those who love and obey the Lord Jesus Christ during their time here on earth.
It is a holy place for holy people and it is by God's grace alone that we are invited to enter into it. Please understand this - it is not by our own good works or deeds that we enter into heaven. Salvation is a free gift from God and it is given to us because He is good, not because of anything you or I have done. What's more, God extends this invitation to every heart that repents of their sinful past and acknowledges that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who He died on the cross so that, we too, may be resurrected to new life. While we cannot escape death, we do have a choice as to where we spend our afterlife. There are only 2 options though....... |
We can choose to obey and worship our Creator so we can enter His Kingdom and live under His righteous and holy rule OR we can ignore His call for us to repent of our sins, and end up in eternal damnation with the one who sinned and fell short of the glory of God first - the fallen angel named Lucifer (aka Satan).
I, for one, choose eternal life and salvation. What will you choose?
I, for one, choose eternal life and salvation. What will you choose?
Followers of Christ.
To be born again marks the beginning of your walk with God. After you repent of your sinful ways and trust in Jesus alone for your salvation, God will send you a helper (His Holy Spirit) to dwell inside you and sanctify your soul. The Holy Spirit will guide your steps for the remainder of your life here on earth, and will keep your feet from slipping (if you listen to His voice and obey Him, of course) as you walk along the narrow path that leads to eternal salvation.
What a Christian is not - is someone who "believes in Jesus" while disobeying His commands and following the ways of the world. That person is not a Christian. They are a hypocrite and they have confused many people and led many people astray with their hypocrisy. These people will not see the kingdom of heaven. They will be disavowed on the day of judgement and receive eternal damnation for their disobedience. |
"For many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
- Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:22)
Beware of fake Christians!!! Their teachings must be ignored or you run the risk of being sent to the fires of hell with them if you believe their lies and hypocrisy. Read the Bible and follow the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not blindly trust the words of man. Man cannot be trusted.
- Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:22)
Beware of fake Christians!!! Their teachings must be ignored or you run the risk of being sent to the fires of hell with them if you believe their lies and hypocrisy. Read the Bible and follow the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not blindly trust the words of man. Man cannot be trusted.